In recent years, the use of the cannabidiol CBD has greatly increased. For this reason, CBD has also become more in the focus of science and researchers from various universities and institutes have in numerous studies, the effect of CBD oil confirms.
Currently, in a clinical study, it has been found that CBD can help patients with social phobia to cope better with the difficulties in everyday life. The percentage of people suffering from mild to severe anxiety disorders are not that low. This so-called social phobia is very different. For example, patients fear that they will be perceived as strange by their fellow human beings.
Many of those concerned are afraid to be embarrassed or ridiculous. Others are very scared to be in the center of attention or to disparage oneself publicly. In these people, the social phobia, if they are in public, always present and affect everyday life very much. Whether a visit to the restaurant, talking to strangers or the looks when you go with new clothes in a locker room - the fear is a constant companion.
The symptoms are also very extensive. They range from harmless blushing, trembling, cramping, and nausea. Also, an increased urinary or stool urgency are not uncommon in social phobias. Affected people gradually withdraw from public life over time and begin to isolate themselves on a social level. However, this behavior ensures that anxiety and symptoms only increase further.
In research, some students were able to find 40 subjects for their clinical CBD study. At the beginning of the study, study participants had to determine their personal anxiety scores. A second determination of anxiety was made after 30 days of treatment with CBD oil. During the study, a total of three participants dropped out for private reasons- one from the group that was actually treated with CBD, two from the placebo group. During the study, subjects received five drops of CBD oil or a placebo five times daily.
CBD oil significantly reduces anxiety
After the students had evaluated all the data after the study, it turned out that the initial anxiety levels of the subjects who received the real CBD oil improved significantly. The initial value averaged 4.1 out of 5. After treatment with CBD, the value dropped to 3.2. In the control group, on the other hand, there was hardly any improvement in the states of anxiety.
As a conclusion, it is clear that the best CBD oil can actually improve the symptoms of people with social anxiety disorders as demonstrated on the Since CBD is not listed as a medicine and you can buy CBD oil from online and theoretically anyone with social phobia can try it out for themselves. However, a consultation with a family doctor would still be advisable before taking CBD oil on a regular basis.